. Shaklee Corporation - Emmy Shaklee - [Shaklee Independent Distributor]

Shaklee Corporation

at Khamis, 14 Ogos 2014[4:17 PTG]

Shaklee Corporation is the number one natural nutrition company in the United States and has an impressive 50-year history as a leader in health and environmental issues. Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee began the company's commitment to products that improve the health of people without harming the planet when he founded the company in 1956. The company's vast array of product categories includes nutrition supplements, home cleaning products, air and water purifiers, plus beauty and skin care products that combine the best of nature and science.

For 50 years, Shaklee has been a leading provider of premium quality, natural nutrition and personal care products, environmentally-friendly household products, and state-of-the-art air and water treatment systems. The Shaklee brand is synonymous with high quality and efficacy, representing one of the most well-established names in the nutritional supplement and direct selling industries. The company's strong and loyal customer and distributor base has supported the company over the last 50 years. With a robust product portfolio, including over 48 patents and patents pending worldwide, Shaklee operates in Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico and the U.S., and has over 700,000 members worldwide. Shaklee products reflect the company's commitment to the highest quality, service and customer satisfaction.

Shaklee has a rich history of environmental stewardship and activism. Shaklee has been active in the area of global warming since 1986 when the company funded a research project to the Artic with explorer Will Steger to measure the impact of global warming on the icecaps as well as research expeditions in 1989 and 1996 to measure the acceleration of the melting icecaps. Continuing its strong commitment to global warming, in1989 Shaklee helped Sir Edmund Hillary's American Himalayan Foundation plant some one million trees in Nepal. In 2000 Shaklee decided to take steps to offset its CO2 emissions, with the objective of having a net zero impact on global warming. As a result Shaklee became the first company in the United States to be certified Climate Neutral™ by investing in fossil fuel reduction projects to directly offset the amount of CO2 the company created. In 2002 Shaklee received the U.S. EPA's International Climate Protection Award as well as the Environmental Stewardship International Award from Social Accountability International for leadership on global warming.

A concern for the environment is at the heart of the company's household product line. In 1960 Shaklee developed and introduced Basic-H® Concentrated Organic Cleaner, one of the first biodegradable household cleaners. Last year, to mark Earth Day 2005, Shaklee donated proceeds from the sale of Basic-H to the Green Belt Movement, a grassroots non-governmental organization founded in 1977 by Prof. Wangari Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, that has worked in environmental conservation and community development in Kenya for over 25 years.

In honor of Shaklee's 50th Anniversary, on Earth Day 2006 Shaklee launched its global environmental campaign targeting global warming - A Million Trees. A Million Dreams.™. Inspired by 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai and the Green Belt Movement, Shaklee Distributors across North America organized tree-planting events in their local communities with the goal of planting one million trees to help raise awareness of global warming and offset CO2 emissions. As a part of the campaign, Shaklee donated $100,000 to the Green Belt Movement to plant a million trees in Kenya.

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