. PROTON Peraduan Nama Siapa Hebat? - Emmy Shaklee - [Shaklee Independent Distributor]

PROTON Peraduan Nama Siapa Hebat?

at Rabu, 26 Jun 2013[10:00 PG]

  1. "PROTON Peraduan Nama Siapa Hebat?" contest is organized by Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (PROTON), and is open to all Malaysian with a valid identity card aged 12 years old and above, including employees of PROTON and their family members, with the exception of PROTON employees who are involved in the organizing committee of "PROTON Peraduan Nama Siapa Hebat" contest.
  2. This Contest will run from 12.01pm on 25 June, 2013 to 11.59pm on 25 July, 2013 ("Contest Period").
  3. Contest forms can be downloaded from the contest website at namasiapahebat.proton.com and can also be obtained from selected PROTON service centres nationwide. Please refer to the above website for more details.
  4. Each Contest form must be fully completed with the required details, the proposed name for PROTON's compact car, and the rationale for the proposed name, to be written in the most creative way.
  5. All Contest forms, except for those submitted "online", must be posted by ordinary mail, with stamp(s) amounting to value of sixty (60) sen or more. Forms submitted with stamp(s) lesser than 60 sen value will be rejected. Forms which are incomplete, difficult to read or spoilt in one form or another will not be accepted and will be treated as disqualified entries.
  6. Proof of postage of the entry form will not be constituted as proof of receipt by the Organiser. The Organizer will not be held liable, in the event of any lost, damage, non-receipt of entries or delayed receipt of entries sent by the participants.
  7. Participants may submit more than one entry form (photocopies of entry forms are accepted), but each entry form must propose only ONE (1) name in the space provided. Entry forms with multiple names submitted in one form, and which do not comply with the Contest requirements will be disqualified automatically.
  8. Each winner can only win one (1) Prize, from amongst the prizes offered by PROTON.
  9. The Grand Prize that is stated includes road tax, registration fees, plate number and insurance. The winner will bear all other expenses incurred, related to redemption of the price, including the cost of the vehicle check. If the winner is 17 years and below, he/she must bring along his or her parents or a verified guardian to receive the prize.
  10. All prizes are given on an "as is" basis and are not exchangeable or redeemed as cash or vouchers either in part or in full.
  11. The Organizer shall reserve the right at its absolute discretion to substitute any of the prizes with alternative prizes of similar value at any time without prior notice.
  12. All prizes must be collected within 14 days from the date stated in the notification of winning from PROTON, failing which such uncollected prizes will be forfeited. Winners are required to collect their prizes at the locations set by PROTON.
  13. All transportation, accommodation, personal costs and/or any other costs and/or related expenses that are incurred to participate in this contest and to redeem the prize are the sole responsibility of the participants and winners.
  14. PROTON reserves the right to use any of the names proposed in this Contest as materials for the purposes of advertising, trade and/or publicity, without any prior notice or approval given by the participants of this contest. Participants shall not be entitled to claim ownership or other forms of compensation on such uses of the names that have been submitted.
  15. By participating in this Contest, participants give PROTON the right to use the names and / or photographs of the winners as materials for the purposes of advertising, trade and/or publicity, without any prior notice to the winners and the winners shall not be entitled to claim ownership or other forms of compensation on such uses.
  16. The Judges' decisions are final and no appeals will be entertained.
  17. By participating in this Contest, participants agree to be bound by the Contest Rules and Regulations and the decisions of the Organizer.

layari http://namasiapahebat.proton.com/register.aspx.

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