Interview Tips:
- Dress smartly, look bright and attentive, and speak clearly and confidently.
- Find out where the venue is beforehand, how to get there and how long it takes.
- Examine the job scope and your CV/application form, and think about what type of questions they will ask you.
- Prepare answers for the main questions - for example, why do you want the job, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what are the main tasks in this job?
- Make about three or four points in each answer.
Quote real examples of when you've used certain skills - just saying you've got a skill isn't enough. - Take your time when answering the questions: make sure you understand the question and take your time if you need to think.
- Sell yourself: no one else is going to! Be positive about yourself and your experiences.
- Prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview - use it as an opportunity to find out more about the role and the company. (Don't ask about money or perks just yet!)
- When discussing salary, know your market worth and start by quoting a little higher than this
- Get feedback on your performance, whether you were successful or not.
Turn off your mobile phone. Treat the interviewers with respect and give them your undivided attention. - Keep your answers focused on what you can do for the employer, not what they can do for you.