. Nasi Dagang (Kelantan) - Emmy Shaklee - [Shaklee Independent Distributor]

Nasi Dagang (Kelantan)

at Isnin, 22 Julai 2013[1:29 PTG]



4 cups of Beras Nasi Dagang

  • 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) thick coconut milk
  • 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) thin coconut milk
  • 10 shallots, sliced
  • 2 cm ginger, cut into thin strips
  • 5g fenugreek
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. Wash rice, drain and soak overnight in water. Next day, drain the water and steam the rice for half an hour. Remove from steam and stir in the thin coconut milk and resteam for 15 minutes until the rice is almost cooked.
  2. Mix the thick coconut milk with the ginger, fenugreeek and salt and then mix well into the cooked rice. Resteam again for another 15 minutes until the rice is completely cooked.

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